Tools making use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning for precise and fast diagnosis.

Tools making use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning for precise and fast diagnosis.

A number of methods are used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. Common examinations include brain MRI* and the PET** tests, which can be used to demonstrate amyloid presence.

*MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

**PET (Positron Emission Tomography)

Neurona PET makes use of a specific MRI and PET calculation algorithm, resulting in the fusion of the results of these exams. Our algorithm is currently learning:

  • To define the amount of amyloid in the brain
  • To quantify changes over time where there are repeated examinations
  • To specify the region / localization within brain
Phase 1 of project:Optimising the calculation so that is available within a few minutes, rather than a few dozen hours as is the case when using current medical software solutions.
Phase 2 of project:Developing the ecosystem for smooth and safe algorithm communication within hospital information systems (HIS) on the basis of international protocols.
Phase 3 of project:Certification of medical device for wider use within clinical practice. Clinical trials will be carried out as part of the certification.

Neurona ARIA enables fast and precise detection of dementia treatment complications. ARIA* can arise as a complication of the biological treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, and may occur in up to 25 % of patients.

*ARIA (Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormalities)

The objective of this project is to build an artificial intelligence architecture which will be able to diagnose ARIA in the brain rapidly and precisely.

Phase 1 of project:Creating a dataset of MRI images for artificial intelligence initial learning. Subsequently testing and optimization.
Phase 2 of project:Developing the ecosystem for smooth and safe algorithm communication within hospital information systems (HIS) on the basis of international protocols.
Phase 3 of project:Certification of medical device for wider use within clinical practice. Clinical trials will be carried out as part of the certification.

Early diagnosis is the foundation of successful treatment for all neurodegenerative diseases, at a time when there has not been a significant loss of nerve cells in the brain. This requires testing a large proportion of the population, something which cannot be achieved with current methods.

Further phases will focus on Parkinson’s disease, ischaemic strokes, epileptic fits and medicine side effects.

Phase 1 of project:Creating a simple protocol for recording voice, subsequent testing amongst a healthy control population, persons at risk and sufferers.
Phase 2 of project:Developing an algorithm for early diagnosis of disease from speech.
Phase 3 of project:Creating a mobile app for iOS and Android which will detect possible disease symptoms.
Member of the Channel Lab group
Neurona Lab 2024, All rights reserved.
Website developed by David Veselý